ECF Logo Usage Guidelines
Download our logo assets and follow these guidelines to accurately represent ECF. By using our logo correctly, you help communicate our purpose, vision, and mission, ultimately contributing to the success of our community.
Our new logo embodies a human touch. The handwritten ECF signature highlights the significance of human relationships. Cursive writing is a personal expression, fostering deep connections between individuals. It symbolizes the time, effort, and commitment in crafting a meaningful message. In a world dominated by instant digital communication, our signature serves as a powerful reminder of the personal connection and individuality within each of us. The flowing loops suggest motion and illustrate ECF as the central connecting point for people, communities, and causes.
Please review the documentation below before downloading our assets ↓

The primary logo is green when displayed on a white background. The ECF signature is available with our tagline: “Together we thrive.”
Follow clear space and minimum size guidelines for optimal logo contrast and legibility.