The Home Coulee Resilience fund was developed in memory of Alf and Sheila (McGugan) Petersen, Alfred and Ada (Steenberg) Petersen and Angus and Laura (Walter) McGugan, much loved parents and grandparents. Their values, skills and effort have supported and inspired family and community for several generations. Home Coulee is a real place in the Badlands of Alberta where despite many challenges, crocuses, saskatoons and evergreens still grow. But it is also a symbol of family, hope, cooperation, and resilience. This fund supports organizations that provide access to mental health resources, a foundation of resilience. Emphasis will be given to programs and services for those who might not otherwise be able to access them.
Donate to this Fund
Fill out the form below to contribute a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly donation to the Home Coulee Resilience Fund. We will notify the founder/family of your thoughtful gift unless you request anonymity.
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