Funds Environment and Animal Welfare

Larch Sanctuary Fund

Nestled in the middle of Edmonton lies Larch Sanctuary, a section of the Whitemud creek ravine just upstream of its confluence with Blackmud creek. This 59 acre reserve is on the south side of 23rd Avenue, with housing developments at the top of the banks on either side, so it truly is a sanctuary.

Larches are deciduous conifers in the genus Larix, and Larch Sanctuary gets its name from Larix Communities, the developer that set up this fund and helped ensure that the area would be conserved in perpetuity.

Edmonton and Area Land Trust worked with the City of Edmonton to place a Conservation Easement on Larch Sanctuary, which provides this land with an additional level of protection, and other benefits. Larch Sanctuary officially opened in Spring 2017. The Land Stewardship Centre’s Green Communities Guide also features Larch Sanctuary as an example of a Nature-based Solution.

Larch Sanctuary provides an important wildlife corridor, as species move around and through Edmonton, between the outskirts of the city and the North Saskatchewan River. Whitemud Creek is a major tributary of the North Saskatchewan River, which provides drinking water for the population of greater Edmonton. In addition to these ecological benefits, Larch Sanctuary also provides residents with a unique place to be active, spend time outdoors, enjoy, and feel connected to nature.

Your donation to this endowment fund will help EALT monitor the conservation easement that protects the biodiversity and ecological integrity of this land in perpetuity.

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