Since 1988 we have prided ourselves on being an essential and adaptable, solutions-focused, non-profit organization that provides free, trauma-informed care through individualized planning and counselling services, a richness of therapeutic and educational programs, and ongoing professional and emotional support to residents of St. Albert and surrounding rural areas. And—despite common misperception of our need for existence—we remain steadfast in our determination to destroy the silence, empower voices, and help create safe spaces for growth and connection, healing, and lasting change. In our critical role as skilled and compassionate clinicians, counsellors, and educators, we work to set things right for willing individuals and groups, be they survivors or perpetrators, family, or friends, to help address the previous, current, or imminent impacts of family violence. As community health advocates, we strive to promote awareness and learning, relevant partnerships and referrals, social agency collaboration, and the early prevention of abuse in its many forms. We endeavor to break the well-entrenched cycles of social stigma and discrimination, political and judicial barriers, and the deep-rooted effects of cultural bias and multi-generational trauma. This endowment was created with the vision of establishing a stable source of funding for the future so that operational costs could be covered off and other funding sources directed to programs and services. It reflects our efforts to establish planned long-term stability, fiscal responsibility, and financial viability – supporting our mission in perpetuity.
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Fill out the form below to contribute a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly donation to the Stop Abuse in Families (SAiF) Fund. We will notify the founder/family of your thoughtful gift unless you request anonymity.
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