
Ever wanted to know about Edmonton’s real-life “School of Rock”?

The Well-Endowed Podcast takes you behind the scenes of the Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton’s free music program. Supported by the Edmonton Community Foundation, this initiative is empowering young kids to pick up instruments, find their voices, and become the next guitar legends and vocal powerhouses.

Join us to explore how this program is shaping Edmonton’s musical future!

Show Notes

Our guest today was Curtis Ross & Amanda Sokol.

Read the full article featured in THRIVE magazine.

Read the full Spring Issue of THRIVE magazine.

ECF Happenings:

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Check out some of the amazing funds our donors have created.

ECF Youth Grants:

Click here to learn more about our youth grants!

Upcoming Student Awards:

Click here to find details for all of our student awards!

 Steve Sandor’s interview with Curtis Ross & Amanda Sokol was produced by Odvod Media.

The Well Endowed Podcast is produced by Edmonton Community Foundation.

Our endowment funds support emerging and priority needs in the greater Edmonton community, now and for generations to come. Donate to a fund