Stories News

Studying Student Success

January 28, 2019

Studying Student Success

A research project will explore the impacts of ECF Awards and Bursaries

How does receiving an award or bursary impact a student?

That’s the question a research team is trying to answer by doing a longitudinal study of ECF Awards and Bursaries recipients. The study will follow a cohort of award recipients through graduation and progression into the workforce.

The research team will be investigating whether receiving an award has an impact on a student’s educational attainment or employment. Since community involvement is a major criterion in receiving an award , whether or not students continue to be involved with their community throughout post-secondary and beyond will also be explored.

ECF Awards and Bursaries support students from Edmonton and northern Alberta with financial need who demonstrate a strong commitment to community involvement through activities like volunteering, arts, sports, or activism. Award recipients are enrolled in a range of programs which include everything from academic upgrading, to vocational education, to university degree programs.

Edmonton Community Foundation will use the results of the research project to refine the ECF Awards and Bursaries program to better support students in reaching their educational, employment, and civic engagement goals.

The research team is lead by Dr. David Peacock, Director of Community Service-Learning at the University Alberta, whose research interests include student equity in higher learning. Also on the research team are Sandra Ngo, Research Coordinator at Edmonton Social Planning Council, and Andrea Diamond, Grants Impact Associate at Edmonton Community Foundation.

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